Digital Assessments

Raz Kids


Raz Kids is a web site that you are able to sign up for a subscription for on-line books.  As the teacher you are able to assign each student a reading level.  Depending on the reading level the student is at there are comprehension question for them to answer about the book they read.  The questions students answer are both multiple chose and essay format.  As they are reading and taking quizzes there results are sent to me on the teacher side of the program.

The above are screen shots of some of the information you can gather from the program.  I have blocked out students last names for privacy.     


I like this program because the questions get harder as the books get harder.  It also makes them think about what they have read.  The program will not pass them off on the quiz until so many are answered correctly.  Students are able to go back and reread the story and change their answers.  I like this program because parents can also receive the updates on how their student is doing.  In the future I would like to figure out a way to reward or recognize students who are passing the quizzes the first time.  I have noticed so students will just click and then go back and change answers.  

Magic E Quiz  use code GXJQ933 to access the quiz


The above link is a quiz that I made using the web site Formative, for long vowel words with the helping or magic e.  Students are required to take most of the benchmark and end of year state test on the computer.  Teaching them that the computer is used for more than just games has become an important part of first grade. When using Formative the results are ready for you as soon as the students have submitted their test.    Below is a part of the teacher page with results from the test.  Once again I have blocked out names for privacy.


I love have the results and not having to spend a lot of time correcting papers.  I also love the fact that the students are able to get a feel for taking a quiz on the computer.  However, like I mentioned before in first grade they still think the computer is only used for games.  In addition to this quiz I gave a similar written test. One class did really well on both quiz.  The 2nd class did well on the written and bombed the computer quiz.  I need to remember to stress the fact that it is a quiz/test and that they need to do their best work.  

Seating Questionaire


There are lots of different ways and reasons to create test/quizzes or questionnaire/surveys.  This year in my class I have changed the seating options for my students. I have created a classroom with flexible seats.  I wanted to get feed back from my students about the seating choices without their neighbors helping them answer the questions.  I decided that an online survey would be the best way to get the information.  Plus once again the program provides me with instant feed back and graphs.  The above is a link to the survey.  The below is graphs on how my students responded to the questions.


The results turned out about what I expected.  All the students were able to take the quiz.  Adding the pictures were a big help for my lower students.  After the students took the survey I heard a few talking about how now I would add more balls because they just knew that's what everyone liked the most.  They also went on to say that it had to be why they would take the survey so I would know what to buy more of.  I was happy to hear the students felt like they had a say in what was happening in the class and felt part of the decision being made.  The one thing I want to do with this is get parent input.  The students really like the new seats but I would like to see how the parents feel about the change in seating as well.  By the end of the year I want to make a similar survey to send out to the parents.